Git some bacon

Want to implement your own ‘insert-something-witty-here’ ipsum generator?  Then head on over to our GitHub repository and take a look at the code that runs  The BaconIpsumGenerator class is straight PHP code that can easily be modified to work as you see fit.  I’ll be refactoring this code a bit since the Make_Some_Meaty_Filler method is wrapping stuff in HTML and it really should return an array of paragraphs and sentences so the API code can handle it better.  It’s on my to-do list.

I also spent some time this weekend writing proper WordPress plugins for the site.  Previously, the home page’s form was hacked into the WP theme, and the API was just a standalone directory with a PHP page.  Now they’re both plugins and run based on WP actions & shortcodes.  It really shouldn’t affect what you see on the site at all, but it makes me feel warm & fuzzy to have it coded properly now.


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