If you use Alfred, now there is a Bacon Ipsum workflow.
Workflow to generate @BaconIpsum with @alfredapp http://t.co/zuM9VFIvo2
— Sid ™️ (@koomai) July 26, 2013
If you use Alfred, now there is a Bacon Ipsum workflow.
Workflow to generate @BaconIpsum with @alfredapp http://t.co/zuM9VFIvo2
— Sid ™️ (@koomai) July 26, 2013
When I first wrote Bacon Mockup, it was done as a standalone PHP site and it’s worked pretty well, but I decided a while back to redo it entirely in WordPress. It gives me better management capabilities when it comes to adding new images and content, plus much easier image resizing.
The plugin code I wrote that dynamically generates images for specific dimensions from the media library has been added to GitHub and it should be pretty easy to use this to create your own placeholder image site.
Today, I switched baconmockup.com over to WordPress. Here’s a little sample of what it looks like.
All of the placeholder images have been resized to 2048×2048 (WordPress scales down easily, but not so much scaling up) and uploaded into the media library.
Using post meta on attachments, I can flag an image to be used by the code that dynamically generates images based on dimensions. The other items are used for Creative Commons attribution.
Using a rewrite rule, we pass image dimensions into the plugin (ex: http://baconmockup.com/300/300) It looks for an existing image of that size, and if one doesn’t exist, it gets created on-the-fly using image_make_intermediate_size.
It looks like it’s working pretty well so far, but if you run into any issues, please let me know.
Thanks and have a meaty day!
I’ll be attending SXSW Interactive 2013 this year and I hope to meet some fans of Bacon Ipsum. If you see me wandering around, feel free to say hi. I’m introverted, but I don’t bite (unless you’re actually made of bacon).
Or keep an eye out for my Bacon Ipsum badge. @jenheartsart makes custom Twitter badges for people. You should get one. They’re awesome.
Bacon ipsum means I #love #bacon more than you… #dontHate @ MotorCity Casino Hotel http://t.co/GSgP7bR9
— toenibbler (team POWER) (@NoDisrespeck) November 19, 2012
We’ve added a ‘no_tags’ option to the jQuery Plugin to keep the code from wrapping the output in <p> tags. Thanks to Joel Lord for the suggestion.
One of my co-workers dressed up as me for our Halloween contest at work (including my custom Twitter badge). Well done!
For reference:
We have added doner to the list of meat (via @mledwards34)
If you’re sick of the constant political drivel on Facebook, check out the Meaty Social Politics extension for Chrome that @WhiteyOmits whipped up. It changes instances of ‘Obama’, ‘Romney’, ‘Election’, etc. into paragraphs of bacon ipsum via our API.
It also has a snazzy icon. Well done sir!
P.S. I don’t care who you vote for, but you should still go vote.